Dana Reisin
I see my everydayness in plastic bags. Plastic bags are manufactured for a purpose. They contain food, groceries, clothes, books, medicine. Somedays they are empty, Contentless. Some comes in color, others are colorless, transparent. Some are thick and durable, others tear easily. Too easily, unable to carry the weight.
When I feel colorless, and empty- I seek comfort to help me get my colors back, to assist me in carrying the weight. Occasionally I find comfort in objects, sometimes by taking an action or by trying to find my purpose, just like a plastic bag.
Certain objects trigger my mind. Romance, childhood memories, childish desires, toys, candies -all brings me back to a time where I was safe, swaddled, and comforted.
Somedays make me seek comfort within. I self-study: what am I made of? What makes me feel comforted? Which actions silence the noise around me? I find that while acting in an obsessive manner, repetitively, delicate, infinite, meditative movements, I get distracted by manufacturing. By being aware of the present moment, to my action, I manage to achieve balance and be comforted.

1. Day 11 2. Date 30.1.24 3. Subject - holding on 4. Text- As long as I keep holding on , taking control- I am making sure nothing will fall apart, nothing will not slide through the cracks and nothing will collapse. comfort in taking control, comfort in letting it go. 5. Act/Description- cutting and pasting plastic bag handles. 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 2 Date 20.1.24 Subject - a Down Comforter Text – I will always be comforted covered by a down comforter, kept warm and relaxed. Act/Description- stuffing a plastic bag with plastic bags, and sawing squares onto the bag. Medium- a plastic bag

Day 3 Date 21.1.24 Subject - Stories Text- Act/Description – cutting rectangles of plastic bags, ironing it, and taping it together as a book. Medium - plastic bags

Day 4 Date 22.1.24 Subject – Spaghetti Bawl Text - Spaghetti is the food I go to in order to in need of comfort, because it is nostalgic, with sentimental value. Act/Description- cutting strings of plastic bags, Cherry tomatoes and bazil leaves in a plastic bawl. Medium - a plastic bag
Day 5 Date 23.1.24 Subject- Food for the Soul Text- the Yemima Method is a method of introspection for self-improvement. From cognitive thinking to accept ourselves and develop. Act/Description- copying lessons given by Rebbe Yemima Avital on a Sandwich plastic bag Format- a plastic bag

Day 7

1. Day 9 2. Date 28.1.24 3. Subject - Origami Crane for Recovery 4. Text- Cranes symbolizes good health and healing in many Asian cultures. According to the Japanese tradition, anyone who folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted their most desired wish. Cranes bring hope and uplift spirits. 5. Act/Description- folding plastic bag according to origami instructions. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 10 2. Date 29.1.24 3. Subject - connection 4. Text- Weaving in which individual threads are turned into a sheet of fabric by combining the length threads into the cross threads. Excited about creating connections by using an ancient traditional feminine craft, and comforted by being another link in the tradition. 5. Act/Description- weaving plastic bags. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 11 2. Date 30.1.24 3. Subject - holding on 4. Text- As long as I keep holding on, and be take control- I am making sure nothing will fall apart, nothing will not slide through the cracks and nothing will collapse. My comfort is taking control. 5. Act/Description- cutting and pasting plastic bag handles. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 12 2. Date 31.1.24 3. Subject - Doodling 4. Text- When I doodle, it is like a place which allows me to release pressure in a safe and non-threatening way. It gives some processes in the brain a break, while firing up others. Sometimes when I doodle it is out of boredom, frustration or when I look for an answer. 5. Act/Description- doodling with a marker over a plastic bag 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 13 2. Date 1.2.24 3. Subject - Taking over 4. Text- When a strange feeling is taking over my body and mind. 5. Act/Description- sewing beads onto a plastic bag 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 14 2. Date 2.2.24 3. Subject - Melting 4. Text- When I have too many concerns on my mind, I try to melt it all into a big robust, vigorous ball -so I could feel full of energy and ability to handle with whatever may come. 5. Act/Description- melting plastic bag into a ball shape by ironing it. 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 16 Date 3.2.24 3. Subject - Sugar Rush 4. Text- Crafting all night feels like I have a sugar rush 5. Act/Description- filling an infusion bag with candies. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1.Day 17 2. Date 4.2.24 3. Subject- ‘Amore mio’ 4. Text- Green photo print on a plastic bag reminded me of green apples, which reminded me of ‘The Son of Man’ by Magritte. Finding Surrealist moment in life comforts me. 5. Act/Description- collage. Combining magazine photos with a plastic bag print, and drawing the contour of the figures. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1.Day 18 2. Date 5.2.24 3. Subject- layers- work in progress. Picture of my work table. 4. Text- Aspiring to create a three dimensional form with thin layers of plastic bag. Just like trying to change my daily routine by using the same variants. 5. Act/Description- Placing layers on top of another with sequins. 6. Format- a plastic bag
1.Day 19 2. Date 6.2.24 3. Subject- Fly, by self decoration 4. Text- Bedazzled myself with a colorful wing. This enables me to fly! 5. Act/Description- Creating butterfly’s wings with plastic bag. Placing layers of plastic bag on top of another with sequins. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 20 2. Date 7.2.24 3. Subject – Mixing old and New 4. Text- Traditional textile woven by hand invites me to enter Medieval times or visit grandmothers trying to decorate their homes. 5. Act/Description- Cutting flower shapes from plastic bags to fit Gobelin woven flowers in size and form. Placing it on top of the Gobelin as a natural part of it. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 21 2. Date 8.2.24 3. Subject - Bamba 4. Text- This is my favorite snack. It's always available, and complies with every nutrition and mental need I occasionally have. 5. Act/Description- Removing Bamba leftovers from the bag. securing the inside with duct tape and piercing holes in it. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 22 2. Date 9.2.24 3. Subject – My old Sweater 4. Text- My mom used to knit sweaters to keep my brother and I warm during the winter. The wool was thick and itchy, and she used blue shades to match our school uniform. She claimed that knitting a one color sweater was boring for her, so she always added a single stitched row with a different color or pattern. 5. Act/Description- Stitching Bamba plastic bag with single lines of wool. 6. Format- a plastic bag

1. Day 23 2. Date 21.2.24 3. Subject- Bag of Joy 4. Text- Balloons are used for decorative purposes at festive gatherings. They add color and make people happy. I found that even after the party ended, and the balloons lost their air and served their purpose, they still brings me joy, and still fill their purpose in my eyes. So do plastic bags. Even though they are empty- they are meaningful. 5. Act/Description- Sewing empty balloons into the inner part of a plastic bag. 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 24 2. Date 12.2.24 3. Subject- lemons 4. Text-while sitting in my backyard and looking at the lemon tree blossom, made me think about nature. Whatever happens, war, violence, pain caused by human kind, it can’t cancel nature and its course. Nothing can control nature. This is my attempt to stay at my course. Not to get confused by the noises surrounding me. 5. Act/Description- Cutting a lemon shape out of a yellow plastic bag. Connecting it to a lemon tree. 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 25 2. Date 13.2.24 3. Subject-leftovers 4. Text- Global warming forces us to consider carefully our use of disposable resources. As resources are being depleted, I consider each plastic bag I use. Once I use it, I try to reuse it again and again. While working on my daily projects, I collected each leftover piece. Today decided to reuse all leftovers and maximize my plastic use. All of the little pieces glued together are a homage to Jackson Pollock’s ‘enchanted forest’ painting from 1947 5. Act/Description- Gluing plastic bag cutouts and leftovers on top of a large scale green plastic bag 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 26 2. Date 14.2.24 3. Subject-All You Need is Love 4. Text- Today is Valentine’s Day. In recent years it became a significant cultural and commercial celebration of romance and love. I am loved. And I have love, right here, at the palm of my hand. 5. Act/Description- Cutting round printed heart shape from a plastic bag, laying them on my palm 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 27 2. Date 15.2.24 3. Subject-War is Over 4. Text- I want the war to be over. I want the soldiers to come home. I want that their guns will loose their dangerous dark side, and instead of bullets, they will use it to make people happy and blow balloons. 5. Act/Description- Cutting printed balloons from a plastic bag, laying its strings on the tip of a plastic toy soldier’s gun. Placing this assemblage on a plastic bag 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 28 Date 16.2.24 3. Subject-i only have eyes for you 4. Text- ‘Eyes are a window to the soul’, ‘I only have eyes for you’, ‘a watchful eye’, ‘I can see it in your eyes’, the eye of the hurricane’, an eye for an eye’, ‘a sight for sore eyes’, ‘cry my eyes out’. I looked death in the eyes! 5. Act/Description- Eyes cutouts from magazines and eyes-shaped cutouts from plastic bags. Collage shaped and glued on a plastic bag 6. Format- a plastic bag

Day 29 2. Date 17.2.14 3. Subject- infinite 4. Text- Yoyoi Kosama infinity red room, is a room filled with finger shapes, (Seems also like phallus shapes sewed in white fabric and red dots. The walls are covered with mirrors to enhance the infinite effect. This is an homage to this art work, made of clear plastic bag. 5. Act/Description- Glueing plastic bag, shaped as figure, with plastic bag leftovers inside. Painting red dots on each finger. Placing them next to a mirror.

Day 30 2. Date 18.2.14 3. Subject-Totem 4. Text- A totem symbolizes a group of people, a family or a tribe. Totem polls present different designs such as supernatural beings and creatures. This totem poll has various representations of my artistic choices: strong vivid colors, plastic and industrial materials, glitter, shimmer, fur, wool, beads. Using all of these in each of my works comforts me. 5. Act/Description- Plastic bags shaped in various shapes. covered by plastic bags. Glued additional wool, fur, beads and a mini baby plastic figurine.
Day 6
Date 24.1.24
Subject - Naive
Text-finding comfort in naivety. To be as innocent, simple, carefree, lacking experience and judgment as a child.
Act/Description plastic bag cut-out figures, tied to a pink string. Set up as a theatrical set.
Format- a plastic bag
1. Day 7
2. Date 25.1.24
3. Subject - Taking a breather
4. Text-finding comfort in getting some air, taking a big breathe
5. Act/Description- video art of breathing into a plastic bag
6. Format- a plastic bag